Friday, March 6, 2009 10 Top Lesson Plans

While I'm figuring out how to put downloads on this blog, chew on this site for awhile. It lists some excellent lesson plans, from people who might have a hint more experience than yours truly.

I tried this pronounciation lesson with a student today and it seems to work VERY WELL. I believe just doing this lesson once really helps students afinar sus oidos to English pronounciation. My student seemed to think it worked well too.


  1. i did the contextual reading activity from with my students today and they seemed to enjoy it. i printed it out plus a news article with some words i knew my students didn't know and they did a great job. i learned some stuff too, haha. this is great practice for any sort of standardized test.

  2. Is there something like the pronounciation tarea for speaking Spanish? I seriously will do anything to lose my gringa accent....I hate hate hate it. If you hear of anything, please let me know :/

  3. I would like to find something like that as well Tyff. I haven't looked for anything yet, but do plan on it.

    But if you apply the ESL lesson backwards than you will lose a part of your accent. This means 1) pronounce EVERY syllable in Spanish. They all receive pretty much the same stress (same amount of time pronouncing them and the same emphasis). In English, we put more stress on the nouns (not pronouns), adverbs, adjectives, and main verbs (not helping verbs), and we breeze over the rest of the words. So if you just try to pronounce each syllable the same length without changing the pitch of your voice too much, your accent should improve right away.

    Granted, I have a gringo accent, but I think I've toned it down a bit anyway.
